Monday, August 8, 2011

I don't know how to help my friend. :(

So, my intake for today was nothing but Diet soda. Pretty good.
Of course, I slept all day, so I may not count, but I don't plan on eating for the rest of the night. So yeah.
Day one of fast almost completed! ^_^

I'm so worried for my friend Nicki..
she told me she's been thinking of suicide.. that she's been feeling down lately..
that she's unloved and unwanted.
Sounds exactly like me.

I'm crushed. I don't know what I will do if she acts on it. I mean, she's amazing! She has so much potential to be anything, she's pretty, she's thin, and people love her! I know, she's bipolar. It's hard. I understand.
But she has people who love her! I need her! Literally need her. I don't know what I would do. I seriously don't.
She's my best friend, my only friend. I'm not her best friend, but she's mine. I would die if she died. End of story. If she goes, I go too. I wouldn't make it.
See, she has other people who love her. Her idiotic friend Jen has been ignoring her lately, which may be why she is upset. Pisses me off. But anyways...
Me? I have nobody who would miss me. Like, literally, nobody. I don't think even my family would mind. They would only care about the price of having me buried or whatever.

Anyways, not about me. I'm really worried.
I'm a HUGE fan of Emilie Autumn, as well as her. She said after reading her book, she's gained a new perspective on suicide, that it could sometimes be the best thing for a person.
I didn't know what to say.
I just do not know how to comfort her.
She lives an hour and a half away from me, we've never actually met, and I just can't find the words I want to say to her. I don't know how to help her.
I'm really scared guys.

I'm hoping she'll feel better next time we talk....

But if you see this, my lovelies, please stay strong.

(Ah yes, I also got a Tumblr account recently. :3
It's the same URL as this blog.

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