Friday, December 3, 2010

Lalalala. :)

So today was my birthday.
This morning, I had half an orange, but I didn't really eat the orange. I only sipped out the juice then threw out the pulp...
I had a grilled chicken sandwhich after school (my mom got my brothers mcdonalds, so I thought I'd have a bit, and learn to contol my eating rather then just avoid food altogether.), but I didn't finish at all. My mom got me a medium fry, but I only had a few. I was seriously full after that. (drinking water with it helps, haha.)

Then I had a piece of icecream cake... I only ate the outside, where the icecrea, was, and then I got full again. (I think my stomach may have shrunk a little. Yay! I actually feel full for once like a NORMAL person!)

Then I went for a long ass walk to burn the calories off. Freezing, but it wasn't that bad. I would have jogged if it wasn't so cold.

So... blahh.

I'm 225 lbs. :)


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HON! It's good to hear you are gaining control. You have more than me. You are a true inspiration. I hope you continue to meet your goals!
