Friday, November 26, 2010

Shopping tomorrow.

Going to fast... again. :/
*wishes self luck* >.<

I'm tempted to buy a pair of Size 2 jeans, just so that I have something to fawn over everyday while I'm fasting. :/

I know my grandma won't let me (since she believes I'll never be a size 2..) but still.. if it's my own money, I'd rather use it for something I want. I don't need new jeans... I have enough, and it's not like new clothes would make me look better anyways. (considering I'm fat as fuck.)

Meh. :/

I'm never eating again. If I do eat, I will only touch fruit or vegetables.
I've been wanting to go vegan anyways, so... meh.
I hope I can stick with a fast though.

I need to start exercising, but IDK what to do. I want to join a YMCA, but my dad claims that we wouldn't go and it would be wasted money. :/
(I'm scared people will stare at me, so I probably wouldn't go. -_-)
I've been walking up and down steps for 30 minutes, so that might be good for now...


I hate myself. Not my life, but myself, for being stupid, gluttonous, huge, and lazy. I hate everything about myself. I need t change. :/

1 comment:

  1. Hey, good luck with your fast! Fasting seems to be a lot easier said than done sometimes!! I want to buy some really small pants too- sort of like my UGW pants- like size 2s or something. A part of me wants to go ahead and buy the 0s but 2s are much more logical. When I first started exercising, I just did the treadmill, elliptical, and bicycle...actually...that's what I still do now! I mostly just concentrate on the cardio because that's what burns calories and fat. And thank you for the lovely comments! ♥
